And although many people, including myself, think that graphic alone doesn't make a good game, we simply cannot ignore it. Long story short; most of us are used to our Xboxes and PlayStations. We even might have a Wii as well, but truth be told, we mostly play the other systems, right?
What I want to tell is that in contrast to how it might seem, the war is not over! Actually Microsoft and Sony are just fighting one single battle of a war that just got started. All over the world PS4s and Xbox Ones are released right now or have already reached the living rooms of their cheerful players. But this is not the end! It's not as simple as "first come, first served" anymore. And if you take it like this, well than the WiiU should have won by now, since it was released already a year ago! It all comes down to your personal preference and how you decide. But how do you make your decision?
Are you going for hardware specs? Do you take the console with the best media playing options, or the one with the best network? Do you have the luxury to get your hands on a new Xbox, a new PlayStation and have a WiiU already?
You know, I played and tested the Xbox One intensely, I saw the PS4 several times, but to be honest I really don't see the jump to the next level. Ever since, new consoles always dawned a new age of gaming. - That's why they have long been categorized into generations and everybody refers to them as "next-gen" consoles. But so far, I - as many others - can't see it... can't feel it. Actually, if it comes to WiiU that's where I can see a clear difference to the Wii! So basically we just have to put the WiiU into consideration as well. But even that is not enough... I hope you have already heard about the Steam Machine?

You all did track how Steam has advanced over the last years and how it almost single-handedly brought PC gaming back to life again? - Yes, some people really thought (and some still think) PC is dead! You know how big the Steam market is and how many great AAA titles as well as independent games are born and available there on a daily basis?
And by the way; what about PC gaming itself? Another system you, as serious gamer, simply cannot ignore... that is at least until the Steam Machine launches.
And guess what, maybe you are that deep into the Xbox VS PS struggle, that even this is news to you: The god of information collection himself - Google - is currently thinking about his very own gaming console, the Google Nexus Orbit! - Though officially this project is just rendered as concept for now and the word "Nexus" gets kind of boring already, the thing is, that something like that could actually launch. Maybe next year, maybe in three years. Personally I see no reason for Google not to try it. If they can bring this concept to life and keep the current hardware specs together with the tons of unique options, like Google Glasses for example, we are in for a treat!
Well, I think the deeper you are in the rabbit hole, the more fun it is! And one could see choice also as excitement instead of a problem, because the question actually comes down to: Is it really that simple to narrow your gaming experience to just one or maybe two consoles? Just on the console market alone, now we are already faced with a decision between four great gaming platforms that all offer their unique appeal and quality: Xbox One, PS4, WiiU and the Steam Machine. Then there's the PC... and although it's not very unlikely that the Steam Machine will have the power to completely take games away from that platform and deem the PC to work only, is it so inconceivable that this will not be a fight only between PC and Steam Machine, but instead expand to the actual console realm too? And don't forget, there is also the possibility of other great gaming system in the very near future!
I don't know about you, but I am just excited about that! It reminds me of a fantastic past with lots and lots of gaming systems to choose from. I think this is what we all need. Everybody knows how bad a monopoly is from an economical viewpoint - which in turn comes down to the viewpoint of the customer. Not too long ago I was seeing us already playing on just one single system as expensive as three. But now I am happy! As much as we need new games, we need more systems too! More to talk and report about, more to criticize and argue with each other - basically: More excitement! I think we have great times ahead of us.
Play more! Choose more!
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