This week my blog will be online for approximately 10 weeks. When I take a look at my followers I feel really happy to see the number growing close to 150! I never would have thought that I could get that many followers in such a short period of time. I don’t want to talk about success yet, but since I am not promoting my blog on a very big scale - mainly because I am new to this and sometimes I have a hard time understanding the rules of social networking services - I am positive that I at least do something right.
Yes, the number doesn’t really reflect direct page views or even real interest in the things I do; I already got that several people will only keep you added if you add them back. You know, people that post something rather stupid and useless every five minutes and have already 40k+ followers. I am sorry for those people, but I really don’t want to be spammed on g+ with posts on a minutely basis, that have nothing to do with videogames or technology. I did all this because of my love for videogames, not for growing big, not for personal gain and most certainly not to get spammed by the boredom or personal craving for recognition of some people… and their cats.
Same as I want to keep quality to my blog itself, I want to keep quality - in a sense - among the people that I add to my circles. This might sound a bit cocky, but I think most serious people on g+ understand what I mean. I am glad I could already make some friends during the past months and I am happy to find more every day. So, on that note, I am most thankful for the true core of followers that really have interest in my posts, that help me and that also for me post interesting, funny and informative things. Maybe these “core” followers come down to just a third of my total followers, but even if I just had you guys (and girls of course) I would be happy and continue what I am doing with a smile.
Since I also always like to give something back (even if it is just a tip), I would like to give you a flower this time. If you like videogame accessories you could probably check out +steve landaverde's page and browse through some great artwork and even shop for awesome T-Shirts or phone cases!
I know I can still learn a lot, come up with innovative content or topics and even bump up the quality of my posts further. You know, I don’t want to give you the same reviews like everybody else, including quick ratings like: graphic = four stars, gameplay = three stars, and so on. I don’t want to do the big research and quote every sentence I write, just like on the university. In the end I want stay true to myself and above all give you my opinion. I want give you an honest and in-depth perspective that you - gamer or not - can relate to and that you can trust, even without quotation. The best I can hope for is that you appreciate that and continue to support me by spreading the word and/or leaving a comment from time to time.
Thank you all very much,
Play more! Thank more!
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