As you can see in the various screenshots the model is far from super realistic and even I have to admit there are some things I don’t like and mistakes that are obvious. However, all in all - especially given the fact that this model will never be seen in a cut scene and most of the time stays about 3 cm tall - I am happy with it. Yeah, I am.
It’s enough for this game and I don’t want to put too much more time into the model of this character alone. There is still a bit of geometry clean-up and optimization to do, the backpack still misses all normal maps as well as textures and I will probably also add a few more details like a wristwatch and some armbands for example.
I am also still thinking about a good color palette (btw. the colors look a bit intense on the screenshots and actually aren't that saturated when rendered in the game). Daniel shouldn't be like a Super Mario - all in primary colors - but I think I want to make his T-Shirt white at least. I am also thinking about something to put on his T-Shirt, like a logo or a nerdy text like "indie" - that could be nice. But besides that the model is basically done. Luckily I was able to (re)use and change some earlier stuff I did for this and save a bit of time in the process.
I am perfectly aware that this character won’t be awarded for “best” or “most creative” character design but actually that’s ok. He is supposed to be a regular guy you could meet on the streets. - Probably not the streets of Tokyo where everything - including fashion - is a bit different, but I think you catch the drift. There are no really unique features to this guy, except maybe his intellect and his acrobatic abilities… but seriously; following the cliché and giving him glasses or jogging pants just because of that? Character designers might also say that he is a sad and stressed character so his face should probably show some of that, or more general that “good character design has to reflect the personality”… well, you are right, but again: hardly ever is anyone going to see the face of this model during the game. I really get the "This game needs an Indiana Jones. So give him a hat and a whip"-approach but you know; no, I like the average looking guy to explore this pyramid. Maybe he will become a hero after all. And don't worry, as soon as there will be a great 2D artist working on this game, all the real personality will be reflected in the “animated” artworks that are supposed to tell the story parts instead of cut scenes later on.
Initially it was my intent to make the character look different the more you progress in the game. You probably know that Daniel will find relics that give him more abilities. For example: Imhotep’s Sandals. I originally thought it would be cool to change those parts on the model with every relic he finds/equips and to make him look like some sort of Bedouin towards the end of the game. - I still think this can be nice but on the other hand I also like to have the main character as recognizable as possible throughout the entire game… Either way creating exchangeable outfit parts for Daniel is currently in no - anyway not present - development budget. What I will definitely do however is make this character (his textures) dirtier. He is running around in a sandy and dusty pyramid for crying out loud, I think his clothes should definitely look a bit more sandy and dirty, if you ask me.
Ok. So, the backpack, a bit more polishing on this character’s textures, cleaning up and optimizing geometry and adding a few details and I am ready to go on with: Animation! Yes! I haven’t done animation for a long time but I remember this was always a lot of fun. It’s like finally giving your “dead” stuff a soul and making it alive. Needles to say that I need to brush up on tech and execution as well as first of all sort through all the tons of animations this character is supposed to have. But it will be great, I know it and I am looking forward to this. Since the character itself is a bit shallow in terms of the visual design, the animating part will become even more interesting and is supposed to make this shell really special.
Sorry to have kept you waiting a bit with this new development log. Honestly, there wasn’t too much going on lately. As I have said before, my main task during the last couple of weeks was to create or rather finish the 3D model of the main character Daniel. Well, this I did... almost. Admittedly it could have gone a bit faster, but unfortunately real life was hitting me pretty hard (again); not only was I plagued by the goddamn flu and really sick for almost two weeks (which is way longer than usually), I also basically lost all my jobs recently. One - the transfer of my company - was expected, planned and went as it was supposed to. Losing a small contracted work and my part-time job in the videogame store, which was supposed to cover at least my rent, since the company was gone, however was not and now I have a bit of a problem. Currently it is hard to stay above water and the search for perspectives seems a bit futile. Since I would love nothing more than working in the field of videogames, I am now trying to put together some sort of portfolio to maybe get some money from freelancing in some months ahead or better to get some sort of official job in this field. Honestly, making this portfolio is a little hard for me, since I see myself more as a “jack of all trades” guy instead of a highly specialized and specifically trained expert. On the other hand I know how the world spins these days and that specialization is everything, but giving up on programming completely and only go for modeling? Or give up project management or game design and concentrate on programming only? Maybe even on a specific field like shaders, for example? This tree has way too many branches and it feels like abandoning or rather cutting off parts that make it - that make me - whole. Personally I feel happy and very lucky that I know about and can do a lot of different things related to the production of a videogame. But yeah, as the industry is concerned knowing ten things at 75% is not equal - or maybe even worse than - knowing one thing for 125%.
Anyway, aside from starting to gather myself portfolio-wise, I even conceived and already prototyped a small game idea to sell for some cents after a small development time possibly on various platforms. There are some mechanics I still want to implement but if this is done and no fitting business model and the necessary support has come up until then, I might even release this game in its rather funny prototype version for PC for free or rather on a donation base. - We will see.
I don’t know yet how long my reserves will last exactly and I guess at some point I won’t have any other choice but to accept any job to get some money. So while I am currently desperately struggling with all the complications of life I have made some decisions that I wanted to tell you:
First, my work on Phi will continue no matter what. It doesn’t matter if I have to work on a portfolio, on another game or in another job. Yes, I know it is a very ambitious project and while decreasing the work on it isn’t going to help much, also the fact that I wouldn’t be able to make the complete game alone remains indisputable. Nevertheless my goal also remains to create a nice prototype, which will maybe have enough power to raise more interest and ultimately enough funding to really make this game possible. As long as PCs and consoles exist, due to its nature, this game has no expiration date for a release. This game has very clearly defined outlines and it is neither trend nor temporarily. People (above all including myself) who appreciate a game like this now will like the game in two years as well - even if by then the kids are all just about virtual reality and Oculus Pokemons anymore. Ultimately, depending on various private developments, the work on Phi might become sporadic - sometimes more, sometimes less - but rest assure something is always happening for and with it. If you like this game and idea behind it and you want to support me, you can go on the website (which will be online soon - really!), check on it from time to time or visit this blog. Hell you might even join the team or at least spread the word.
Secondly, as long as I can afford internet (and I would even go without ice tea before having to give it up) I will continue to write this blog about videogames. Similar to the work on Phi, although I want to stay as consistent as possible in that matter, updates may become subject to the flow of life. But I can’t and I won’t give it up. I’ve been doing this for quite some time now. I found so many great friends, interesting people and projects on the internet by connecting through this platform and although sometimes it feels a bit like a tilting against windmills or “maintaining a ghost town”, to quote a friend, it is something that makes me really happy. Maybe I have not one real follower who’s actually reading through this stuff, maybe it is a waste of time because I don’t get a single Euro out of it and at some point everybody needs some cash to pay the rent at least… Maybe there are already too many people doing the very same thing but with colorful videos, sound effects, intros and sexy girls as co-commentators, but at the end of the day, every time I publish something, it feels good. Maybe it's not but it always feels like a small accomplishment and I guess that is all that matters to me.
Alright, that’s it for this short development log. Thanks for reading in, for the ongoing support and the nice emails I get from time to time. This really means a lot! I am sorry I wrote too much about my current personal situation but yeah, also this helps a bit. Like I said, there are and there will be more options for you to support and help me along the way. And there will be a light at the end of my tunnel as well… nobody knows what the future will bring. I wish you all the best and I hope you’ll drop by for more from time to time.
Play more! Hope more!
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