I think it's about time to talk a bit and show - yes, you heard right - some of the basic tools that Daniel has at his disposal on his lonely journey into the depths beneath the sand. Please keep in mind that everything here is at a pretty early stage and serves more the purpose of experimenting in Unity3D than comming close to a final version.
1. The Flashlight
Since it is mostly dark down in the corridors of the pyramid, Daniel will find this tool very useful. For better atmosphere and immersion the player will be able to move the flashlight seperately and investigate his surroundings like any good hobby archeologist should!
2. The Revolver
At some point Daniel will find a revolver down in the catacombs. - From whom... well, let's keep that a secret for now, shall we? So far this is the only classic projectile-based weapon that I plan on putting into the game. And as I have also stated in the Design Philosophy / Categorization post a few weeks before, don't worry, this game will not only be a shooter; ammo is rare and well hidden and the enemies are not only few in numbers, but also supposed to be avoided or disposable by other clever tactics. - The green laser is just for making sure 3D transformations are working properly and later on something can actually be shot with the revolver.
3. Scanner
This gadget is Daniel's latest invention, which he was actually suppossed to demonstrate to financiers at a meeting after his short stop in Egypt. The device - yet to be named - is designed like a ball that can be rolled on the ground and that will "shoot" out laser beams together with electromagnetic waves and measure or rather chart its surroundings, while sending the data in real time to Daniel's phone. On the phone - naturally - an app that Daniel wrote allows for 3D visualization and manipulation. According to Daniel, the lasers can detect details down to 10 nm, are utmost precise and the software is also highly intelligent as it can automatically detect and analyse mathematical structures as well as apply complex calculations and algorithms.
- With this device, that will be upgradable during the game, no secret of the pyramid will be missed and no mystery left unsolved!
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