Naturally many people ask me what my game will be. When it comes to unique selling points and basic marketing endeavors, that question is actually most important and it shouldn't be too hard to answer. But trust me, it is. Most of us indie people are very deep into our ideas and we occasionally tend to make and explain things too complicated. Of course I want to avoid this situation and will therefore not only try to categorize and separate my posts but more importantly first build a stage for this whole endeavor. This post's purpose is to do precisely that; to build a foundation, to serve as an overall introduction which will not get too much into the game yet and display overwhelming information without context. I know I am testing your patience, but we are almost there, the next posts, which are really directly dealing with the game are already prepared and will go public sooner than you think! As you might have noticed, at least the working title is out already; the name of my game will be "Phi", a subtitle is still pending.
I see all of what is happening here during the next rather long phase of carving out my idea of the digital stones as a learning process. I am certain, that although I try to sort the information, some things may remain unclear for some time, while others might even get boring. You must understand that I don't get into this with a completed project management schedule, milestones, deadlines or even a 100% finished game design document. I know things like that are not only a nice-to-have but rather a necessity! Still, I don't fully have these things yet. I have the basic concept, a rudimentary schedule and a ton of ideas, but creating such procedural basics is one of my top concerns at the moment and for that, the stage that has been built with these words will also help me a lot. I come into this with the idea of creating the game as transparent und public as possible, but since I also don't want to spoil the fun and surprises I will be trying to keep most spoilers and secrets generally out of my posts. If it is however unavoidable to leave out the information completely, certain passages will be edited unreadable (darkened) and it will be up to you to read or skip it.
Don't get me wrong, I am not starting with nothing here... I put massive hours of planning into this project already. I just want to make you aware, that I see this blog or rather my development logs more as an open diary which should meet two basic goals:
In light of those words, that many of us bloggers and videogame critics should probably think twice about, I know that I might also do something some of you won't like, but...
- PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT I DON'T NECESSARILY CREATE THIS GAME FOR YOU, BUT FOR ME. Sounds hard, but I think that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Most of you already know my taste regarding videogames and the contemporary industry behind it. I am sure most of you will agree with my philosophies, goals and the final picture.
- Being an active and supportive part in the development of this game could never harm and may eventually lead to something that really has a profound impact because there aren't too many holes and flaws left when it's done.
At some point during the final phase of developing the prototype representing the game mechanics the goal has been stretched out to set up an independent website just for the game, which will be updated and maintained parallel to this blog. It is my hope that from that point on information about the game will be a lot more accessible, organized, short and understandable. Until that time I trust you will stay with me and not get confused about the partially long blog posts, which regarding the pre-preproduction of my game can be found here under the label Development for now.
Play more! Wait (a bit) more!
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